Rahimu Association Team

The success of Rahimu Association is driven by a dedicated and passionate team of professionals, volunteers, and experts who share a commitment to uplifting humanity. Led by Mr. Rahim, the team consists of social workers, healthcare professionals, educators, and community leaders, all of whom contribute their skills and expertise to create meaningful change.

Each member of the Rahimu Association team plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the organization's goals are met with efficiency and care. From project managers to on-the-ground volunteers, everyone works collaboratively to ensure that every child, woman, and family in need receives the support they deserve. The team's deep connection to the communities they serve allows them to address challenges effectively and offer solutions that bring lasting impact.

Rahimu Charity Finland Address

Finland Address
Kotikylantie 4 F 8502770
Espoo Finland
E-mail: info@rahimucharity.org


Rahimu Charity Ghana Address

P.O.Box KS 16203- Adum
        Kumasi - Ghana
Contact :+223257191337
E-mail: rahimcharity@gmail.com